What are the advantages of Gurukul Education and why Indian Education needs it ?




About The GURUKUL - Ancient Education System of India

India as a country has always been a land of Sages and because of their wisdom and knowledge, there has always been a tradition of imparting that knowledge to the society and in turn overall wellbeing of mankind.

Teaching was given to children away from their homes and family which was more of residential education in the ashram of these Sages. 

It originated way back around 5000 BC. This system of education was largely known as “The Gurukul System of Ancient India”.


Focus of Education

This education system focused more on the Holistic development of an individual who took care of both his inner and the outer world. 

It paid more attention to the moral, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual aspects of an individual’s life. 

The children were sent from an early age of 8yrs away from their family since that is the right period for molding one's character. 

The students came from various backgrounds and once they were a part of the Gurukul they all were treated equally.

They were initiated first by the Guru before entering into the deeper knowledge of the subjects. 

The system believed that a person should be well balanced at mind, body, and spirit level in order to perform well in the outer world thus preparing them for life in the actual society that we live in. 

It also taught how humans and nature were interconnected. 

Teachings given were mainly through discussions and debates which later helped the individual to contemplate on the subject. 

It inculcated in them practical knowledge of brotherhood, humanity, discipline, and respect to fellow humans since children from all walks of life came to the Guru, be it rich or poor.

 This is how Kings and Queens of that age took care of their huge kingdom with the help of their own balanced inner and outer world. 

Since knowledge was considered sacred, no fees were charged against education. 

The system was run through donations. 

The deep knowledge of subjects related to mind, body, and emotions was known way back in those Vedic times.

Everything that we hear and read about subjects on consciousness, kundalini and chakras on the net trending today was known to them in that age. 

They knew the science of this body just so well. 

That was the only reason people of that time lived so long. 

Later this Gurukul System gave birth to the universities which evolved during that period and were known as "Takshashilaand "Nalanda" to name the few who catered to the needs of advanced level students.

Need for a Holistic approach in present times.

How is the inner and outer world connected?

Holistic education is based on the concept that every individual goes through a cycle in his life which includes finding identity, meaning, and purpose in life through his connection with society and nature by inculcating humanitarian values like peace, compassion, harmony, etc.

These qualities or moral values are not achieved overnight but needs a lot of effort and commitment to work on yourself. 

If and only if we are ready to work on ourselves rather than working on others, this world will be a better place to live in.

The common issues that the human race is facing in this world are only because of the imbalance of the inner world which results in the wrong actions in the outer world. 

This was the only reason children were sent to Gurukul at an early age so that they learn to balance their energies under the guidance of a Guru. 

So that when they grow up as teenagers their hormones are not hijacked by their own cruel desires or intentions.

Hence Yoga in those days was a way of life and not just a pastime hobby.


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