How reading empowers mind and good reads list that can change your life.


Reading books, inspirational quotes, positive affirmations are always great ways to train your mind.

It was way back in 2005, reading was never on my list.

Those were the days when I had started working.

 I always used to wonder how can people read such big books. 

But this was the time when I met my boss who was a Bschool pass out, who had worked for leading multinational companies and then was a very successful entrepreneur. 

He always suggested me to read at least one article of Speaking Tree. 

Following his advice, I started reading but then I realized it has now become a habit...a healthy habit. 

After so many years of reading, I must say books have given me a lot. 

A book has the power to slow us down, it makes us ponder, understand the things around us, and also helps us in seeking the answers which we think we already know. 

Reading books is definitely a great stress buster and good food for your brain. 

It helps me improve my communication skills and also gives me a great sense to express my views. 

I always prefer reading than using any kind of social media. 

Life is full of challenges and reading a good book has always been a great source of motivation. 

We get inspired to become our better version. So below is my personal favorite list of books. 

You can create yours and make your own world more fulfilling and enriching.


1)You Can Heal Your Life by Louis Hay.

You Can Heal Your Life is a self-help best seller book written by Louis Hay. 

This book talks about how our negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and lifestyle affects our body and in turn cause us disease and illnesses. 

Reading this book makes us calmer by understanding that few things are certainly beyond our control and how letting go is the best way out. 

It has a lot of powerful affirmations and for someone who is ready to do the mental work, this is a must-read book.

2) Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda.



It is an autobiography narrated by Paramhansa Yogananda about his life experiences, his childhood, and his encounter with many sages during his youth in search of an enlightened teacher. 

This book gives an introduction to the ancient science of yoga and meditation. 

You will definitely benefit from this book if you read it with an open mind. 

Those with a thirst for knowledge and wisdom are attracted to this literature.

 More than highly recommended, this book is a must-read if you are spiritually inclined.

3) Death- An Inside Story by Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev.


While most of the book teaches you how to live well but this is one book that tells you how to die gracefully. 

An interesting and insightful book which gives us a clear understanding of what death is and through knowledge how can one break this cycle of life and death. 

It talks about different spiritual planes that exist. 

You will definitely find answers to the burning questions that arise when you face the death of someone close to you. 

It is truly one of the must-reads a book for all those who are one day going to die.

4) The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi by David Godman.

This is one of the very useful books for serious spiritual seekers who are searching for a purpose in life. 

It gives a vastly different approach to who we really are. 

It talks about how we can find a path that fits our personality and then demolish the ego that is the only way out.

5) Inner Engineering-A Yogi's guide to Joy by Sadguru Jaggi  Vasudev.


It is one of the fascinating books about Sadguru's insights and teachings. 

It is highly recommended for those who are interested in self-transformation. 

If you are a seeker then this book can be a guiding light. 

It talks about the very essence of yoga which helps you to keep your body, mind energy in a healthy state.

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