Who was Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi and what were his teachings ?


                                      Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi


About Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi

A 16yrs old schoolboy who once faced death in his family. This incident brought about a new storm of questions in his mind. All he wanted to know was what happens post-death. Where do we go? 

This one life incident made him more curious about that one golden question, "Who am I? There are no accidents in life. We may not be able to analyze but every incident is prearranged which has a very strong past behind it.

Bhagavan as a Child

 One day this boy named Venkatraman was alone in an upstairs room of his uncle's house in Madurai when he was suddenly gripped by an intense fear of death. 

In the following few minutes, while he was trying to imitate the experience of death, he actually went through a death experience during which he became consciously aware for the first time that his real nature was something different from what he thought. 

He realized that the body dies but the spirit that transcends it cannot be touched by its experience. One goes through such kind of experience only after a long period of spiritual practice but in his case, it happened without any prior effort. 

It takes many lifetimes of training which becomes a base for these kinds of experiences. Venkatraman told no one about this experience. He just tried to behave normally like other kids around but couldn't hold the picture of being normal for too long. 

Before this experience, Ramana Maharshi used to visit Meenakshi Temple in Madurai, play around with his friends and then come back home but post this incident he frequently visited the temple and used to stare at the statues there for hours together. 

At the end of six weeks, he went directly to the holy mountains of "Arunachala" which is also called a "Fire of Wisdom".

As a Guru

 After spending a few years on the slopes of  Arunachala his inner awareness started radiating all around. This radiance attracted a large number of followers from across the globe. 

These followers then named him Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi. He is also said to be a reincarnation of "Lord Murugan"

His family tried their best to get him back home but he refused to go even though his mother begged him to come back. Later his mother and his younger brother became sanyasis and stayed with him following wherever he went. 


Teachings of Ramana Maharshi

Most of Bhagavan's teachings were in "SILENCE". He constantly radiated a silent force that would still the minds of devotees who were attuned to his silent force. 

This is how our Guru transforms us just by his mere energy field which is essential for our process of evolution. Though most of his teachings were in silence he at times gave verbal teachings to those who were unable to understand his silence.

 He gave more importance to self-attention which he called "Self Enquiry". Though many people found it abstract or difficult to do it, he mentioned it was a direct path to liberation. He mentioned that the end result of every path is this stage of self enquiry itself. It is also known as a path of Knowledge (Jnana Marga)

He emphasized on discovering the reality of our own self as opposed to trying to understand the world. What makes Bhagavan so special is his simplicity- exhibited both in his lifestyle and in his teachings. 

Many times people would come with their doubts but in his presence, they would go in a spiritual trance and after coming out of it they would realize that their doubts were cleared without even asking for it.


Masters who preached the path of Self Enquiry(Jnana Yoga)

Quite a few of the devotees in the presence of Shri Ramana Maharshi have been recorded to have realized the self. Few names of the Masters who preached the path:

Nisargadatta Maharaj



Annamalai Swami

Robert Adams


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