A Mystic Sage of Ganeshpuri - Bhagwan Nityanand Swami Maharaj.


                   The Great Sage of Ganeshpuri- Maharashtra

About Bhagwan Nityanand Maharaj

The birth of Bhagwan Nityanand is not known to anyone. In 1897 a small boy was found on the streets by a Nair couple in Kerala who bought him home and took good care of him. 

The couple were farmers and used to work on the farm which belonged to Mr. Ishwar Iyer. In the next 3- 6 yrs, the Nair couple left their physical body. 

Before death, Mrs. Nair handed over her responsibility for this small innocent boy in the hands of  Mr. Ishwar Iyer whom they trusted. 

Bhagwan as a Child

While raising this child, Mr.Iyer realized that there was a huge difference between this child and another normal world to say. He used to be constantly in this divined consciousness state. 

Seeing him in this blissful state, he was eventually named Nityanand. "Nitya" means "always" and "Anand" means "bliss"

One fine day Bhagawan left his home to become a wandering yogi later to realize that he spent a few years of his life in the Himalayas. 

By the age of 23, Bhagwan Nityanand was back in South India. As a young man, he traveled on foot throughout India.

                                                 Samadhi Mandir of Maharaj

As a Guru

Bhagawan was looked after by a lady named Tulsi Amma. Tulsi Amma played a very important role in Nityanand Maharaj's life. 

As a Guru, Bhagwan Nityananda gave very little verbal teachings. Most of the time he was silent. Tulsi Amma used to note down his teachings in the Kannada language which later came to be known as "Chidakasha Geeta"

Later Mr. MP Pandit translated "Chidakasha Geeta" into the English language.

Ganeshpuri a small village in North of Mumbai was home to Bhagwan Nityananda till he left his body in 1961. 

Bhagwan's love for children was so immense that children from nearby villages were offered free morning meal every day. They were also given free gifts, toys, and clothes to wear. 

Bhagawan Nityananda is quite known for the miracles he performed in the past. Those who wanted to escape from the cycle of birth and death accepted Bhagawan as their Guru. 

In the presence of a "Great Avadhoot", people would fall silent. Their doubts would be answered in silence without even been asked for it. His divine consciousness attracted a lot of people from across the globe. 

Even today there are records of seekers who have been guided by Bhagawan Nityananda himself in their dreams on their spiritual path.

Teachings of Bhagwan Nityananda

It was believed that Bhagwan Nityananda gave Shaktipat or Spiritual Initiation to people through non-verbal means. 

He would also be fiery in his behavior at times with his seekers even to point of hitting them on occasions. This was his way of deterring people who were not serious in their spiritual aspirations or we can say it was one of his way to get them out of the problem.

Bhagwan was a born Siddha(Self -Realised). People were relieved of their illness and miseries by his grace. With knowledge of Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Marathi he guided seekers in different paths according to their capacity. "Noble Silence" was his message to the world.

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