Top 4 Spiritual places that vibrate at a higher frequency which can uplift your energy.

Spiritual Places In India With The Most Powerful Energy Fields.

There are certain places on the planet that vibrate at a higher frequency than normal. It is because these places have witnessed the presence of these Great Masters who chose to deposit their entire life work in these places. 

It is not easy for people to receive the mystical knowledge cause there are certain limitations like social restrictions, lack of receptivity, psychological issues, physical or karmic bondages on which they need to work on before they are actually open to the knowledge available in such mystical places.

Many Great Masters believe that rocks have great receptivity since they don't resist. Hence they choose to deposit their knowledge in that space where it is not frequently visited by humans, but at the same time, it is easily accessible to seekers who are serious about their spiritual journey.

 This act makes these places vibrate at a higher level which is of great significance to serious seekers.

1)       Arunanchal Hill :

   Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi

          Each of the spiritual centers of India are unique in their own way. Among them, one of the very powerful place is Arunachala, a hill in Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, and one of the five main Shaivite holy places in South India. The Annamalaiyar Temple, a Temple of Lord Shiva is located at the base of the hill. The hill is also known by the names Annamalai, Arunagiri, Arunachalam, Arunai, Sonagiri, and Sonachalam. "Aruna", which means the Fire of Wisdom, and "Achala" means hills. Thus, Arunachala means "Hill of Wisdom".

         Over the centuries, many saints and sages have been drawn to Arunachala. According to Shri Ramana Maharshi other holy places such as Kailash, Varanasi, and Rishikesh are sacred because they are the abode of Lord Shiva whereas Arunachala is Lord Shiva himself. It is also called as a secret kshetra as it is a place that bestows self-knowledge only to those who are ready to receive it. It is also an important place for devotees of Shri Ramana Maharshi with Shri Ramana Ashram situated at its foothills.

2)Girnar Hill :

        It is one of the most favourite place for devotees of Lord Dattatreya. It is situated in Junagadh city of  Saurashtra Region of Gujrat State in India. Lord Dattatreya is also known as "Adi Guru" which means First Guru. He is known to be the Guru of the Gurus. Girnar Hill is a Siddhakshetra as Lord Dattatreya himself as the Lord has meditated on top of the hill for many years. He is considered as one of the Lords of Yoga. Lord Dattatreya is an Immortal Guru and is considered to be an Avatar of three Hindu Gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Girnar Hill is 3666 feet high and is said to be older than the Himalayas. It is also a nirvana Bhumi of 22nd Tirthankara Lord Neminatha.

 3)Mount Kailash :

          Mount Kailash is considered to be the abode of Lord Shiva. Mount Kailash believes to be the axis of the world. From the mystical point of view, there is a great significance to it cause some of the Greatest Masters in history have chosen to deposit and preserve their work there. It is also called as the greatest mystical library on the planet.

4)Velliangiri Hills:

    Sadguru Shri Brahma 

                 Velliangiri Mountains are situated at the western ghats border of Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu. The mountain is known as Sapthagiri which means 7 hills. It is also called as the "Kailash of South". Sadguru Shri Brahma left his body through all the seven chakras there. The one who leaves their body through seven chakras is called "Chakreshwara" which means he has complete mastery over his own energy system. Hence the energy field of this mountain is incredible. IshaCentre of Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev is located at the foothills of Velliangiri Hills. Many such sages have walked this hill which makes it one of the rarest places on the planet.

                        "Shree Gurudev Datta"

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