Can you have a powerful soul connection with your Pets?

Your Dog Or Cat Is Just Not A Pet, You Might Be Sharing A Surprisingly Powerful Spiritual Connection With Them...A Pet Connection.


We all love our pets. We make sure we take care of them like our children. Who knows this better than a pet lover? 

They are all set to go against the world for their pets. Pets bring a lot of joy to our world.

 Also, there are a lot of health benefits of having pets around like it helps in reducing our cholesterol level, depression, the feeling of loneliness, anxiety, and many more.

They give us so much without even asking for the same. But are we giving them the same in return what they need from us?

So how are we connected to them?

Pets and Consciousness:

Sri Aurobindo says, "It is the same consciousness that functions through all beings. It is we humans that create differences for our own advantages." 

It is like the same electricity is running through all gadgets in the kitchen. Only the capacity of every gadget is different from each other.

 The consciousness of animals is not that evolved as compared to humans. 

For these immature souls, we are almost like a living Guru.

They are constantly learning from us how to behave so that once they evolve into human forms, they have taken a few life lessons from us. 

I believe having a pet in your life is never an accident. They must be having certain karmic bondage with us which involves training as to how it is to be a Human.

The feeling of gratitude towards humans is always very deep within them. 

The only thing they cannot do is speak to us in sentences, but they communicate with us all the time.

What Masters say about animal beings and their connection with we humans?

             Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi

Shri Ramana Maharshi loved all kinds of animals. They were treated all equally as humans and were always addressed by their names. 

It was his regular ashram routine that animals were fed first, then the beggars and devotees at last. 

Bhagavan always said, "That we don't know what kind of soul has occupied these bodies and for what part of their unfinished karma, they seek our company"

He had different animals in his ashram like dogs, cow, deer, peacock monkey, crow, etc. Laxmi was one of his favorite cows.

We are all in the path of evolution together and so our pets. 

So it is a karmic necessity for us to take good care of them and treat our pets well. 

So next time when you look into their eyes remember that all they need is your help and support for them to evolve in this life journey as a pet.


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