Should you share your spiritual experiences during Yoga - Meditation with everyone ?

 Spiritual Experiences During Meditation, Yoga, or Any Spiritual Practice.


Spiritual Journey:           

While you embark on your spiritual journey there comes a time when we experience a few events or experiences which we are not aware of or more rightly to put across is that we don’t understand what is happening and most often we feel lost.

 It is natural for us to share it with people around us but then we understand that they don’t understand what we are talking about.

 Every soul has a journey to walk and we all have the same destination to reach that of self -realization. It’s just that we are not aware. 

It’s like we all are on a journey of evolution from A to Z and we all eventually have to reach Z  at some point or the other in our life journey. 

If we look at the big picture then we understand that some are standing at stage D, some are at H some are at L some are at X, Y, and so on and so forth...We might try to reach Z through different stations like different paths of Yoga during our lifetimes.



Different pathways of evolution:                

You believe it or not but we all are in Yoga some way or the other. 

Some are following Bhakti Yoga through their emotions, some are following   Gnana Yoga through their intelligence, some follow Karma Yoga through their actions and some follow Kriya Yoga through their body. 

People who feel they are more emotional as an overall personality follow a path of devotion which includes mantra chanting, bhajans, reading holy books through Bhakti Yoga. 

Some people who feel they are more body-centric follow a path of Kriya Yoga which includes asanas and techniques and they might even enjoy that but yes it has to be done under the guidance of a proper living Master cause path of kriya is very intense and without proper guidance, one might not be able to accomplish their desired goal.

Some people who believe in joyfully getting involved in any service activity with no intention of getting anything in return are somehow on the path of Karma Yoga

When people use their intelligence in an intense manner to gain knowledge, they happen to be on the path of Gyan Yoga

So, all in all, we are all on the same train but sitting in different compartments of life trying to reach that same last destination Z.


Guidance of a Master:                  

 While we are on this journey we come across few spiritual experiences which we go through knowingly or maybe accidentally without having any prior knowledge about it.

We try to share that experience with our close ones, analyze, think upon, and find answers to what is actually going on.

 Here is where our journey to find a true Guru or an Authentic  Master begins...someone who has reached the destination Z or is almost close by and not by finding answers from any weekend courses or a trainer or a 2-day workshop course cause they will not be in a position to give you your answers to queries and doubts. Though they are also on their own path of discovery about themselves.

However following a school of Yoga which has a Guru- Deciple parampara is always advisable as you are protected under the energy field.

 For all this you need is true and authentic Master who will help you through. Since the unknown territory is vast, you only need an expert in it who has experienced that territory

That spark on the face of a real Guru/Master's his/her higher vibration itself will convey you a lot of things about themselves as energy can never lie to us. 

You can immediately notice that something is really different about them at the energy level.

It is always good to value your spiritual experiences cause it helps you to understand your spiritual progress. 

Sages have also mentioned that the more you share it with more and more people around you who are not in a position to understand what you are saying will only at a subtle level somehow inflate your ego which might hamper your spiritual growth. (Inflation of ego – means at the subtle level you might feel you are special to go through the experience and others have not yet been through). 

Hence it is advisable to share it with your Guru or an experienced Master if you have one who has been there seen the path and hence will be a guiding light to you on your further journey as to how to walk and which way to go.

 Also, it is important that one should not follow any techniques or meditation from the internet or books on their own as they are easily available on the internet these days in order to avoid any kind of mishappenings through wrong yoga practice. 

The energy once disorganized becomes very difficult for one to align in the previous order especially when you are alone in the journey without any support or guidance.


“Shree Gurudev Datta”

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