What is Guru Tattva or Guru Element and why is it so important in our life?


Understanding Guru Tattva in Yoga- The essence of teacher -disciple relationship.

What is Guru Tattva?

Guru Tattva is the essence or element or that inner voice in you.

 Just as you have the other five elements in nature, you have Guru Tattva or Guru Element which is present in all of us and that is the key for all our evolution processes. 

Guru need not always be in a physical form. But there is a great significance added to a Living Master. 

At times it may also, happen that the Guru that you are currently worshipping may guide you to your Physical Master since as humans we all have our own doubts which we feel need to be clarified by someone whom you can physically see and hear.

 From the day we are born till we grow old we are constantly guided by someone or the other for all our queries. 

And when it comes to life questions or as you advance spiritually you need someone to guide or show you the torch in that unknown zone for which a physical master plays an important role since he has walked the path before and has seen the pitfalls before we see them.

 A Guru has to be a self-realized soul himself to help other human beings to overcome their human weaknesses. 

All human beings are equal to them. 

While all these saints are endowed with supernatural powers, they never feel the urge or need to exercise these powers.

 A guru keeps appearing from time to time in all cultures, all countries, and all religions. 

Indeed a Guru is a great gift to the entire humanity. 

Those who have come under the shelter of such Guru are blessed indeed!!. 

The only difference between Guru and God is that the Guru has a human form and is thus accessible to other human beings. 

The Guru-disciple relationship is determined by the Karmic linkages. Such a disciple who has found his Guru is indeed very fortunate. 

One gets a Guru one deserves. A sincere aspirant always finds a genuine Guru. 

One must pray to God to get a real Guru. 

If you go back and see all the Indian Guru’s and sages they all have had their Living Masters to guide them through their path cause without the energy field of your Guru, you will not be able to move ahead, and as it is rightly said when you are ready your Guru will appear. 


                         Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi

As Sri Ramana  Maharshi said there is no disciple but from a disciple point of view the grace of Guru is like an ocean. 

If he comes with a cup he will only get a cupful. 

Hence the bigger the vessel the more he will be able to carry. 

Often the word Guru is described for anyone who gives spiritual advice but according to Sri Ramana Maharshi, a true Guru is someone who has realized the Self and who is able to use the power to assist others towards the goal of self-realization.

This is what Sri Ramana Maharshi  has to say :

“Sometimes in his life, a man becomes dissatisfied and not content with what he has, he seeks the satisfaction of his desires through prayers to God. His mind is gradually purified until he longs to know God. Then God’s grace begins to manifest. God takes the form of Guru and appears to a devotee, teaches him the truth, and purifies his mind".

I personally feel if you follow any Guru in your life which is essential you can try and form a small  Guru Peetha for yourself in your home where you can place Guru Paduka there and worship your Guru every day by offering water and milk every morning as your daily routine. 

This would build a strong energy field in your home where you can feel the presence of your Guru and would work as a protecting shield around you. 

As the phrase says, “Energy flows where attention goes”

This would make you more conscious and aware at every moment of your life. 

Spending those 5 mins in this energy field will gradually make your inner world more richer and fulfilling. 

This is my personal experience and you would definitely grow spiritually moment to moment

                                        || Shree Gurudev Datta ||


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